5 “Genius” hacks to get more students in your online classes

New to online teaching and struggling to get student enrollments? Don’t worry we have got you covered, read this short article to know the top 5 hacks that successful online tutors swear by to boost up the student count.
Here you go:
- Start with a course teaser: To attract new customers, one best way is to create a teaser, this can be a pre-recorded video or a short live lecture, where you teach prospects a small part of your course so that they understand your methods of teaching and get to know you better. Pro tip: Always end teasers with a call to action.
- Start the talk on social media: Regardless of the social media platform, your online course should be announced as soon as possible with some teaser information. As you start to grow your platform make sure you post quality content consistently.
- Invest in email marketing: Build your email list, this is a useful practice to retarget old customers and visitors. Just collect email addresses via your website and keep sending regular quality content. It can be blogs, information about the new courses, discount codes, or even testimonials to keep reminding them of your brand.
- Use gamification for your benefit: You know how one likes to get rewarded! No matter how little or how big it is, everyone likes to get rewarded, this is gamification for you. Start loyalty programs for returning students or affiliate marketing. This is a great way to build a loyal community.
- Host webinars and live sessions for the win: Webinars are no more boring! In fact, a lot of people attend them to grasp new information. The same can be for you, host webinars, talk about the problem, speak to the pain points of your target audience and conclude with a clear call to action.
These are some super easy hacks to build participants for online classes. Just remember promoting an online class is just like promoting a product, lucky for you, Teachee can help you create websites and Android/iOS applications for your class super smoothly and it comes with inbuilt marketing tools too.
So what are you waiting for? Contact our representative and book your demo slot with us!